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Luceco Academy 2022 

Electrical Training & CPD Courses

Staying Ahead in Our Fast-Paced Industry

The Luceco Academy, an online educational platform launched by The Luceco Group


Technology is constantly changing and shaping the electrical industry, creating innovative solutions to help us rethink how we build infrastructure, design cities, and consume energy. However, keeping up with this industry-changing technology can be difficult as more and more innovations hit the market. 

To help the electrical contractor keep ahead of the plethora of fast-moving technological developments, The Luceco Academy, an online educational platform launched by The Luceco Group, was established to help electrical contractors develop their careers aspirations and businesses.


The Academy aims to set the highest standards and achievements in the industry. Initiated in late 2020 following the massive shift to the digital platform, the Luceco Academy was born and continues to grow. Thousands of electrical contractors have already signed up and are taking advantage of the regular and varied content it produces.



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In this CPD course we'll look at the types of devices available, methods of communication, commonly used terms and methods of control, including typical app functions.

Maintaining a competitive edge is more important than ever in today's pressurised market. To counter these demands, The Luceco Academy is a dedicated electrical training platform specifically designed to improve your knowledge base and keep you updated with the latest trends and skills. 

"The Luceco Academy is our way of giving something back to our customers - free access to lots of high-quality educational content. Also, our Academy helps to take the burden off contractors trying to source accredited CPD training for themselves and their employees, keeping their professional development up to date.


As we all know, experience is the best way to learn, unlike many other online resources, our courses have a strong focus on practical, hands-on exercises replicating real scenarios, providing the opportunity to learn quickly and effectively on the type of tasks encountered day-to-day."

Colin McAhren

Luceco Academy Electrical Training and CPD courses are provided free to everyone involved in the electrical industry. Whether you are a student, apprentice, electrical contractor, specifier, educator, or supplier, The Luceco Academy aims to provide a regular stream of educational content on key electrical and lighting categories that meet the needs of all those in the industry.


All CPD courses are fully accredited, and each provides one credit towards annual CPD requirements. All the topics covered are driven by electrical contractors themselves via valued feedback and ideas.


Accredited CPD and Electrical Training


The CPD Certification Service was established in 1996 as the leading independent CPD accreditation institution operating across industry sectors to complement the Continuing Professional Development policies of professional institutes and academic bodies. 


With the world moving more and more towards online delivered training, The Luceco Academy recognises the appetite this type of content has amongst the electrical industry, and to meet growing demands, it aims to increase its level of regular content

throughout 2022.


If you would like to join the thousands of electrical contractors furthering their career development with The Luceco Academy's high-quality training and CPD courses, please register for course updates today!


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In this CPD module, we will see what we need to protect against, the circumstances requiring protection, and how we can achieve that protection.

Introduction to

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This CPD module cover some key points for the installation of wiring accessories, including if fire protection is required, making sure your ring final and radial circuits comply with regs and guidance and more.

18th Edition

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This Circuit Protection CPD module will look at how cumulative changes in the18th Edition regulations have affected the all important area of circuit protection and the installation of consumer units.

18th Edition

"Great course content, this helped me gain a far better understanding of surge protection requirements, thanks"

R Carter. Electrician

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